Product Description
Multi-Level Calibration Certificates:
"Premier" Level Certificate: Confirms that the instrument was calibrated and met the published specifications at the time of final inspection. This certificate includes a product-specific summary of relevant measurement values and "as-left" report, but does not include the measurement standard deviation or supplementary measurement reports. It is recommended for new instruments and well-maintained used instruments that are precise but not necessarily accurate.
"Advanced" Level Certificate: Confirms that the instrument was calibrated and met the published specifications at the time of final inspection. This certificate includes the measurement standard deviation, a product-specific summary of relevant measurement values, and a supplementary as-found/as-left measurement summary. Additionally, it covers results from reproducibility testing to ensure consistent performance. It is recommended for all used and serviced instruments. It is recommended for older instruments, and instruments experiencing inconsistent or inaccurate measurements, as well as for instruments that have been serviced or disassembled.
"Elite" Level Certificate: Confirms that the instrument was calibrated and met the published specifications at the time of final inspection. It includes the measurement standard deviation, a product-specific summary of relevant measurement values, and a supplementary as-found/as-left measurement summary. Additionally, this certificate provides an extensive analysis of repeatability and reproducibility, incorporating measurement data collected over time. It also includes uncertainty measurements based on relevant ISO principles, ensuring the highest level of accuracy and reliability. It is recommended for older instruments experiencing inconsistent or inaccurate measurements, instruments that have been serviced or disassembled, or those that have been in use for an extended period, to ensure their performance meets rigorous standards over time.